Balancing critical thinking with divergent imagination

Josh Meyers
3 min readDec 17, 2022


Imagination is a superpower in problem solving, empowering people to generate effective and innovative solutions in realms beyond the obvious.

But imagination alone is not enough to effectively and efficiently problem solve. Problem solving also takes critical thinking. The two forces balance each other to foster creativity and unique ideas.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Critical thinking vs. imagination

Critical thinking is a cognitive process that involves analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing information in order to make judgments and solve problems. It involves being curious, open-minded, and reflective, and using logic and evidence to support one’s ideas and arguments.

On the other hand, divergent imagination involves thinking creatively and outside of the box, considering an ever widening range of possibilities and perspectives.

This widening imagination can help to develop innovative and unique solutions to real problems because it pushed past the the limitations of the options and data that is readily available in front of us.

Thus, Imagination also plays this powerful role in visualizing and testing potential solutions, and evaluating their potential risks and rewards.

Find a balance

Balancing critical thinking and divergent imagination allows people to approach problems in a systematic and creative manner.

Critical thinking can provide a logical and analytical framework for problem solving, while divergent imagination can enable people to generate novel and innovative ideas and solutions.

The key is to ground imagination in rationale but elevate critical thinking from its usual familiarity.

Ideally, balancing critical thinking and divergent imagination can also foster a culture of creativity and innovation within an organization or team.

By encouraging and supporting both critical thinking and divergent imagination, organizations can create an environment that supports and rewards original thinking and problem solving.

This support for creativity can help organizations to stay competitive and adaptable in an ever-changing world.

The pitfall of imagination

While imagination is powerful, it can also be a potential limitation for critical thinking because imagination is not based on logic or evidence.

Imagination can sometimes lead people to consider unrealistic or impractical ideas, even introducing personal bias, distortion or exaggeration into a solution.

Thus, it is important for individuals to use their imagination in a thoughtful and balanced manner, evaluating and challenging their own ideas in order to ensure that potential solutions are grounded in logic and feasible in reality

By doing so, people can use their imagination to enhance their critical thinking and creativity, rather than hinder it.

Put it into practice

There are several practical things we can do to balance imagination and critical thinking. Some examples include:

  1. Encourage creative thinking: One way to balance imagination and critical thinking is to actively encourage and foster creative thinking. This can involve setting aside time and space for a team to brainstorm and generate ideas, and providing them with the resources and support that they need to explore and develop their ideas.
  2. Evaluate and challenge ideas: Another way to balance imagination and critical thinking is to evaluate and challenge ideas in order to ensure that they are based on logic and evidence. This can involve asking questions such as “Is this idea feasible?” or “What evidence supports this idea?”. Actively considering and testing different perspectives and assumptions helps ground the creativity.
  3. Seek feedback and input: Seeking feedback and input from others can also help to balance imagination and critical thinking. By inviting others to review and provide input on one’s ideas, people can gain a different perspective and identify any potential limitations or weaknesses in their thinking.
  4. Be open to new ideas and perspectives: Finally, being open to new ideas and perspectives can also help to balance imagination and critical thinking. By being open-minded and curious, and by considering a wide range of ideas and perspectives, people can expand their thinking and can generate more innovative and unique solutions.

To conclude

Balancing imagination and critical thinking can encourage creative thinking, challenge typical thought patterns, generate new ideas and perspectives.

Imagination might just be the key to unlocking a whole new way of seeing and thinking about the world and its design

Disclaimer: I wrote this with the help of AI

